Call for Papers for September 2024 Edition

Declaration and Guidelines to Author

Declaration of Copyright and Rules and Regulations of the Journal:

Why  ?

Its efforts are:

  1. To let society know latest research and development first hand.
  2. To let people read it free of cost.
  3. To let research be free, frank, transparent phenomenon, than done in secret conditions.
  4. To let people know pros and cons as it happens and credit to publishers and authors/ scientists.
  5. To let this research be better than any awards but useful to human society.
  6. To let the research immediately useful for society than waiting for patent or copyright expire then useful to society.
  7. Hence:
    1. Only original articles with English (U.K.) will be accepted.
    2. Its responsibility of the Author to keep his article plagiarism free, or maximum up to 2% plagiarism/ SI, and author has to prove it.
    3. Any objection from any quarter if proved will make the article null and void and further communication will not be entertained on that issue. The author may not be able to send his manuscript again to the journal, if found guilty.
    4. The article will be available 24/7 on the journal website free of cost, as this journal believes that knowledge and research should be useful for the society.
    5. Original Research and Development should be visible in the article, and which is not obviously published anywhere or send for publication.
    6. It will be evaluated by the reviewers as it is a peer reviewed and double blind review international journal.
    7. American Psychological Association (APA) Style.
    8. There will be standard format for writing the article in One Uniform Continuous Microsoft Word (MS Word) Format, 11 Font, Times New Roman, with APA style containing Title (All Capital letters, center text), Author, Designation, Affiliation, email, cellphone, followed by Abstract, JEL or other Classifications if required, Aim, Objective, Introduction, …. till Summary, Suggestion, Conclusion, References,… not more than 1 MB.
    9. However, if proven, by authors that their format is better, concise and maverick and rejected by other so-called top-class journals, will be accepted here, as per the Indian ethics and practices.
  8. This journal does not believe in destructive competition and do not like blame game and fighting, as it wastes time for further research and development, hence, author should send the research paper/ article by taking the whole responsibility of these matters as well. Any efforts to malice any entity will not be accepted, as we believe in universal brotherhood, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, peace, and live and let live, principles.
  9. The Subjects Accepted are:
    1. Sustainable Development Goals/ SDG/ MDG/ Global Goals/ Future Goals/ Sustainable Goals,
    2. Technology, Engineering, Management, Economics, Law, Science, Mathematics, Medical Sciences, Vedic Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology, Information and Communication Technology, Computer Science and Technology, etc. the author should mention it clearly to avoid any future menaces.
  10. Copyright/ Patent Rights is held by Journal CEO as well as authors/scientists. If authors wish, they may hold of IPR. Thus, Major bulk will be held by Author/ Scientists for their original efforts, i.e. 75% held by Author/ Scientist and 25% by the Journal CEO, to keep these efforts moving on forever to benefit society at large, hence, any infringement caught by the authors/ scientists or by any other entities, will be fought by Authors/ Scientists in the court, as they know their work better than anyone else.
  11. Journal is only a genuine medium to let your original efforts be known to the society. Its sole discretion of the scientists or author to right marks this clause magnanimously or put a cross to this clause.
  12. In case, authors / scientists feel they should own the 100% patent right or copyright they should write so to Journal CEO. 
  13. The fees for processing is Nil.
  14. However, if you are willing to support this cause, then, direct your Fund Transfer/ Payment in favour of, Mrs. Surekha Ashish Urkude, the details given in Fees Section.
  15. Articles could be sent to;;
  16. Indexing are in process, and will be declared as and when we get it.
  17. We also take Online Publications of International Conference, National Conferences and Seminars, Ph. D. Thesis Publications, Monographs, White Papers, and if proved by the researchers some out of the box and preconceived concept/s shattering ideas for the betterment of this world, that do not hurt the feelings of the masses as well as classes.
  18. The CEO has all rights to reject the paper if there is any violation/s. Declaration by authors/ researchers:

Dear Editor,

Warm Greetings.

I/ We hereby declare that the research done in the article, “………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….”, is original and not plagiarised form any other known or unknown source, except for definitions, data, and some facts and figures within prescribed limit of international standards and it is below 2% of the standards of IJORD.

This article was not and will not be sent for publication to any other journal by any of the author/ co-author.

We agree to all your terms and conditions.

Yours Truly,


Affiliation: ………………………………………

Declaration of Copyright and Rules and Regulations of the Journal:

Why  ?

Its efforts:

  1. To let society know latest research and development first hand.
  2. To let people read it free of cost.
  3. To let research be free, frank, transparent phenomenon, than done in secret conditions.
  4. To let people know pros and cons as it happens and credit to publishers and authors/ scientists.
  5. To let this research be better than any awards but useful to human society.
  6. To let the research immediately useful for society than waiting for patent or copyright expire then useful to society.
  7. Hence:
    1. Only original articles with English (U.K.) will be accepted.
    2. Its responsibility of the Author to keep his article plagiarism free, or maximum up to 2% plagiarism/ SI, and author has to prove it.
    3. Any objection from any quarter if proved will make the article null and void and further communication will not be entertained on that issue. The author may not be able to send his manuscript again to the journal, if found guilty.
    4. The article will be available 24/7 on the journal website free of cost, as this journal believes that knowledge and research should be useful for the society.
    5. Original Research and Development should be visible in the article, and which is not obviously published anywhere or send for publication.
    6. It will be evaluated by the reviewers as it is a peer reviewed and double blind review international journal.
    7. American Psychological Association (APA) Style.
    8. There will be standard format for writing the article in One Uniform Continuous Microsoft Word (MS Word) Format, 11 Font, Times New Roman, with APA style containing Title (All Capital letters, center text), Author, Designation, Affiliation, email, cellphone, followed by Abstract, JEL or other Classifications if required, Aim, Objective, Introduction, …. till Summary, Suggestion, Conclusion, References,… not more than 1 MB.
    9. However, if proven, by authors that their format is better, concise and maverick and rejected by other so-called top-class journals, will be accepted here, as per the Indian ethics and practices.
  8. This journal does not believe in destructive competition and do not like blame game and fighting, as it wastes time for further research and development, hence, author should send the research paper/ article by taking the whole responsibility of these matters as well. Any efforts to malice any entity will not be accepted, as we believe in universal brotherhood, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, peace, and live and let live, principles.
  9. The Subjects Accepted are:
    1. Sustainable Development Goals/ SDG/ MDG/ Global Goals/ Future Goals/ Sustainable Goals,
    2. Technology, Engineering, Management, Economics, Law, Science, Mathematics, Medical Sciences, Vedic Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology, Information and Communication Technology, Computer Science and Technology, etc. the author should mention it clearly to avoid any future menaces.
  10. Copyright/ Patent Rights is held by Journal CEO as well as authors/scientists. If authors wish, they may hold of IPR. Thus, Major bulk will be held by Author/ Scientists for their original efforts, i.e. 75% held by Author/ Scientist and 25% by the Journal CEO, to keep these efforts moving on forever to benefit society at large, hence, any infringement caught by the authors/ scientists or by any other entities, will be fought by Authors/ Scientists in the court, as they know their work better than anyone else.
  11. Journal is only a genuine medium to let your original efforts be known to the society. Its sole discretion of the scientists or author to right marks this clause magnanimously or put a cross to this clause.
  12. In case, authors / scientists feel they should own the 100% patent right or copyright they should write so to Journal CEO. 
  13. The fees for processing is Nil.
  14. However, if you are willing to support this cause, then, direct your Fund Transfer/ Payment in favour of, Mrs. Surekha Ashish Urkude, the details given in Fees Section.
  15. Articles could be sent to;;
  16. Indexing are in process, and will be declared as and when we get it.
  17. We also take Online Publications of International Conference, National Conferences and Seminars, Ph. D. Thesis Publications, Monographs, White Papers, and if proved by the researchers some out of the box and preconceived concept/s shattering ideas for the betterment of this world, that do not hurt the feelings of the masses as well as classes.
  18. The CEO has all rights to reject the paper if there is any violation/s. Declaration by authors/ researchers:

Dear Editor,

Warm Greetings.

I/ We hereby declare that the research done in the article, “………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….”, is original and not plagiarised form any other known or unknown source, except for definitions, data, and some facts and figures within prescribed limit of international standards and it is below 2% of the standards of IJORD.

This article was not and will not be sent for publication to any other journal by any of the author/ co-author.

We agree to all your terms and conditions.

Yours Truly,


Affiliation: ………………………………………